
Categories Competitive Competitive Competitve Competitve Recreation Recreation Community
Teams & Leagues Girls Academy/Boys MLS NPL/R3PL/FSPL CDL USA USA In-House Academy
Ages of Participants

13 to 18 years old (Girls)

11 to 14 years old (Boys)

12 to 18 years old 7 to 18 years old 7 to 18 years old 6 to 18 years old 8 to 18 years old 7 to 9 years old
Season Timeframe August-June August-July 35+ weeks 35+ weeks 22 weeks 9-10 weeks per season 8-10 weeks per season
Trainings per week 4 required 2 to 3 2 2 1 1 1
Technical sessions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No  N/A
Goalkeeping Training Yes Yes Yes Yes No  No N/A
Travel distance for Games Nationally Southeast State Western FL Western FL Tampa Bay Area Local Community
Players on field for Game 11 11 7-11 based on age 7-11 based on age 7-11 based on age 7-11 based on age 5
State Cup/President's Cup/Commissioner's Cup No State Cup President's Commissioner's Commissioner's No N/A N/A
Coaches Licensed & Paid Licensed & Paid Licensed & Paid Both Paid & Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer  Both Paid & Volunteer
Program Pricing for year $1,750 $1,395 $675 - $1,195 $675 - $895 $550 Varies  
Financial Assistance  Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
Time-off non H.S. (no games)  10 month season Dec./June/July Dec./June/July  Dec./June/July  outside of season outside of season outside of season
Time-off H.S. ages     During H.S. season    During H.S. season During H.S. season outside of season outside of season outside of season
Referee Fees Paid by DA Paid by Team Paid by Team Paid by Team Paid by Club N/A N/A
Uniform/Cost Adidas/$320-$340 Adidas/$320-$340 Adidas/$320-$340 Adidas/$320-$340 Adidas & Generic Generic Generic